Third-year Phillips Academy Andover high school college and journalist of ‘The Boarding College Survival Guide’ (Peterson’s 2014) Justin Muchnick is in quest of submissions so that you can award couple of $1, 000 boarding education scholarships widely available to current or future boarding university students. ‘The Boarding The school Survival Guide’ written by college students for students consists of chapters written by current or maybe recently graduated boarding school students from over 25 boarding universities across the United states of america. The reserve has been good received by way of student plus parent people who are thinking about learning directly about the boarding school world from all those who have lived it.

Muchnick offers learned right from experience which attending boarding school is not only a right, but also a financial burden upon many family members with young children seeking the residential helpful high school. Muchnick says, ‘Not only is usually boarding classes tuition like attending an individual college, still factor in go expenses, places, car rentals, courses, and so on, and also with financial aid and free college funding, the process can cost a good deal. I wanted to consider my aid in some way, so I am awarding two $1, 000 scholarships to pay them forward. ‘ Full details of the fund can be found here under the ‘Scholarship’ tab.

Scholarship Competition Submission Regulations

Prompt : Please prepare an go of about 400 words offering your thoughts for why you choose to attend boarding school (your reasons, preferences, discoveries, and so forth ). Additionally, please correct why this specific scholarship are going to be helpful to a person in your boarding school course of action and travelling or why you feel that you are a worthwhile recipient. Feel free to discuss personal stories, too.

You should email your company’s submission along with the subject heading ‘Scholarship’ towards Justin Muchnick at: boardingschoolsurvival@gmail. com

Deadline: June 30, 2015 . Those who win will be published and got into contact with during the summertime of 2015 to receive your company scholarship award. The scholarship or grant will be paid for directly to your individual boarding the school (or upcoming boarding school) to be set aside to defray the cost of education costs. All marketing become the real estate of Justin Muchnick, and even any percentage of your submitting may be posted in the future in the book simply by Justin Muchnick or executed media retailer when proclaiming the award winners.


Recently a whole new book was released by the Ny Times op-ed columnist Fluent Bruni: To Go Simply Who You’ll Be: An Antidote to the Institution Admissions Paranoia . As you can imagine, it’s fairly the bold topic, specifically among Ivy League organisations, current scholars and alumni.

Of course , As i (and so many other school counselors) have been saying the for years: Does this amazing timepiece Matter To Go To College? Mr. Bruni just stuff it down on report and in some sort of best-selling reserve. Parents together with students will be resonating to the message. The reason why? Students and parents are filled with stress, fear, and annoyance over the university or college prep procedure test prep, essays, college choice, college funds decisions and many more. We are exhausted by our scholars putting their future goals of good results on a college or university name and also reputation.

Understand some of the evaluations of the ebook:

‘For students, mother and father, teachers, and everybody else suffering during the school admissions course of action, Frank Bruni offers an first-rate resource. In which Go Is just not Who You’ll certainly be is a challenging look at the system works-and a fresh, reassuring reminder connected with what extremely matters on the college knowledge. ‘
-Gretchen Rubin, best-selling author of The Contentment Project and even Happier in your home

‘The deduction that thinking ability can be scored, that success can be predicted, and the combination of both creates pleasure is deservingly exploded within this sharply detected and seriously felt arrange. In deconstructing the college accès process, Frank Bruni unearths the folly by which enfranchised people assess their own existence. He converse with a style of critical sanity. ‘
-Andrew Solomon, National Ebook Award-winning journalist of Faraway from the Shrub: Parents, Babies and the Search for Identity

‘Frank Bruni increases the perfect course correction for college students and parents who also get drew into the higher education admissions reason. I should realize. I was one of these. ‘
-Katie Couric

‘Frank Bruni has a uncomplicated message to the freaked-out students of U . s. Calm down. To go to college matters a good, far less than what you do if you get there (and afterward). Your dog urges households to look more than the usual suspects and find a college that’s going to provide something even more useful when compared to a window tag. His clean, well-researched arrange should be necessary reading for all caught up in the college-admissions match. ‘
-William Deresiewicz, best-selling author of E xcellent Lambs: The Miseducation of the Usa Elite together with The Way to a Meaningful Lifestyle

‘For tourists caught up on college-application dementia, this publication provides a necessary tonic. Throughout us, it’s actual an inspiring call for a wiser, saner approach to American higher education. ‘
-Paul Uncertain, bestselling author of Just how Children Succeed: Grit, Desire, and the Disguised . Power of Nature

‘Your seriously worth is not dependant on the school you visited. Or, put simply, ‘Where You decide to go is Not Just who You’ll Be. ‘ Alleluia. Option exact rule every university student and mommy must heed as they get around the stressful college accès process. Now i am doing it with the fourth time and this excellent writer’s new arrange could not have fallen at a a great deal better time for us. As Honest Bruni exceptionally demonstrates, your own worth will be your worth and yours for making wherever planning. ‘
-Maria Shriver

Read this price from Open Bruni’s as well as post to the College Method:

… What essay pro review we desperately need to do in that country is certainly change the focus of the discussion by where you check out college in order to how you employ college . In what information do you need to grow? In what means does your body of benchmark need broadening? If small children were taught to worry about in which, and not with regards to the college term splashed throughout the sweatshirts she or he is wearing, they will be better for this. All of us would.

Undertake yourself (and your teens) a prefer focus on the education, the experience, along with the joy with the college seek out. Years later, it really won’t matter just where they have their diploma or degree.